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Auto RPG

Auto RPG was my final individual project for my Bachelor of Interactive Entertainment back in 2015. Feel free to check out the design document (to the right), just note that this was about 5 years ago and I haven't edited it at all. I find my briefs to be more comprehensive and detailed now, though I'm still proud of my efforts at the time.

My plan for Auto RPG was to create a game that played itself, similar to many auto-clicker/AFK games that you can find on various app stores.

Design Document

The player would make their character who would walk forward, attack enemies, level up and equip weapons all without any interaction from the player, whilst the player could check their characters inventory, number of potions, current levels and of course save and exit the game whenever they wanted. The core intent of this project, in essence my hypothesis to be proven, was that a game that plays itself can still be fun for the user.


I created most things myself, excluding the code for floating text (displaying current health, damage taken and levels gained on screen during combat) and the music. In hindsight I likely would have made use of an external artist but in the end it was a good learning experience.


It also occurs to me, many years later (It's almost 2020 the time of writing this... *enter joke about hindsight*) that there are a number of game engines much better suited to this style of game. Live and learn, I suppose.

It should be noted that this build is 5 years old, and though at the time it ran flawlessly (as far as I or my lecturer were aware), it now runs a bit sluggish. There are visible gaps in the level tiles at times, the main character's movement can be quite jittery and depending on the current frame rate there are some clipping issues, leading to impassable levels. I put this down to Unity 3D's tendency to be unreliable for projects created in a version of Unity even one iteration older than their current build.

Auto RGP gif 2


Unfortunately I can no longer create a web build of this game. Loading my original Unity project completely breaks the game and I don't think it's worth the effort of trying to salvage it just to upload here. If you are interested in a copy of this game for whatever reason, please contact me via the Bio page and I may be able to supply it (I have both Windows and IOS builds).

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